Monday, June 8, 2009

In The Mood For Love

This movie In The Mood For Love is a Wong Kar-wai film, it takes place in Hong Kong Japan. Its a nice love story, alittle slow for me but it was still a good film. it starts off with a women named Mrs.Chen who has just found a room for rent in an apartment building. Then comes along a man named Mr.Chow who is also looking for a room to rent out for him and his wife, but the Mrs.Chen has already bought it so he then is in luck because the room next door is all so for rent.
Both Mr.Chow and Mrs.Chen are married however there other half is always surprising off away on a trip or "working Late shifts" at work. Soon Mr.Chow and Mrs.Chen become friends and start having conversations with each other, since they feel they can relate to not having there other half around as much. Them one night while they were chatting they both start to realize little clues that say that there other half's are having an affair with each other. One clue is that When Mrs.Chen's husband goes on trips he buys a bag for his wife and he also bought his Mistress the same bag( Mr. Chow's wife). and its the same thing the other way Mr.Chow's wife brought her husband a really nice tie and the same for Mrs.Chen's husband this is where things start to fall in place.

The two of them try and figure ways to bring it up to there other have but practing like a roll play of what they would say but It just makes Mrs. Chen more upset. There friend ship grows even more you can tell that there is love there for one another but they never act on it. Time goes buy and they both move on with there life, but you can see that they both wish they could be with each other in reality.
I thought this film was alittle slow but it was still a great film and the music was an A plus.I also liked how the director really made you feel for there pain and the love they shared and there bond. But tradtion wouldn't let them be togehter. I also thought that both of them would get together and have sex to try and prove a point to there other half's but they never did, and you can tell that there was so much love there for one another. But i think that they knew what everything was and how it was going to be and try and work it out.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lan Yu

Lan Yu is a film by Stanley Kwan, this romantic and tragic love story is set in Begijing. Lan Yu was one of the first films in China that showed full out nudity of an male. It starts off with a businessman Chen Handong who is introduced to a young up coming architecture student named Lan Yu. Handong is only sexually attracted to him at first and doesn't want any long term relationship at all. Lan Yu is very desperate for money they end of sleeping together often and Lan Yu soon starts to fall in love with Handong.

Handong starts to buy Lan Yu many lavish gifts to avoid the emotional attactment, he even started to get involved with another man. Lan Yu comes to the house one evening very happy to see Handong and when Handong opens the door to his apartment and Lan Yu is in shock to see him with another man. But of course Hangond acts like its nothing and its not big deal, Lan Yu runs off and Hangond trys to go after him and tells him that what they had together wasn't nothing real but just a fling.

Later on as the film goes on Handong and Lan Yu meet up by chance and that's when Handong knows that he really is in love with Lan Yu. They basically start allover and this new life Handong buys Lan Yu a house and everythings great but then again he falls in "love " with this women and clams hes going to marry her. It doesn't go Thur and they end up together again. This is when the film gets really sad, Handong gets a call from the hospital and lets him know that Lan Yu has died in an accident while working on a construction site... Its such a sad story but shows the love between both of them, Its crazy to see how Handong didn't love Lan Yu every much in the beginning then he starts to truly love him and when everything is going good he dies its such a sad story and a great movie.