Thursday, May 21, 2009

Eat Drink Man Women

Eat Drink Man Women is a very charming film that shows the challenges of family and traditions. Mast Chef Chu who is played by Sihung Lung, hi wife had past away when hes daughters were very young, so hes been a widow for awhile. He lives with his three unmarried daughters Jain-Chien who is a chemistry teacher who is very big in Christianity, Jia- Chien who is a airline executive, and Jia-Ning who is a student but also works at a local fast food restaurant.
Mr. Chu and his daughters have a very interesting relationship. Hes is a very big well know Chef, and through out the film he makes dinner every sunday for his daughters which is there family tradition. However his daughters are very ungrateful and self -consumed they don't even see how hard he try's to show them love. His daughters feel his alittle overbored with the cook 10 different dishes for 4 people, but for Mr. Chu its his way of communication to his daughters. Communication starts to brake down alot from start to finish within the family.
Through out the film we see that there are many announcements at the Sunday dinners that come up and this is here the family starts to fall apart. Each of his daughters has a story of there own and a past, Ja-jen who is very into her religion and is looking for Mr. Right and wants to fall in love. She starts receiving letters at work thinking there from some mystery man but later finds out its not but this whole situation helps her grown into who she really is and breaks out of her shel. Jia-Ning the baby out of the three who is the first to move out and and ends up pregnant, then there is Jain-Chiem who has the most interesting relationship with her father ( Mr.Chu). She loves to cook and that's were all her happy childhood memory's come from but knows that living with her father she wont be aloud to cook. That's why they bump heads, there so much alike but so different. Jain-Chiem may seem like she doesn't care to much about her father or his cooking but shes the one you can tell that cares the most. All she wants is to move out of her fathers house but becomes the last one to do it, everyone moves out with there love they found including her father and she hasn't.
This film definitely challenges family and traditions, the culture is brought out very strong in this film. From the food and the community.. There is alot of different things I noticed that l liked. I loved how the director Ang Lee (The Ice Storm, Sense and Sensibility) showed the authentic culture especially with the food, he really showed great detail with it.
The film I thought was ok not my favorite but it was a really cute story. my favorite character was Mr. Chu and how excited he was about making food all the time like he did for Shan-Shan. That actually was my favorite scene when he brought her lunch to school and all the other little kids went crazy. I also though it was really funny when Mr. Chu finally had his "announcement" to make to everyone and how it shocked everyone that he was really seeing Jin-Rong and not her mother. Over all I think this Film was good and would be great for someone that can relate to Mr.chu and his daughters. And a good movie to watch to just see how a family makes it through the ups and downs.

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