Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Stolen Life

This Film was amazing and I don't even know where to start, Its a film by Sheng si jie. Stolen Life is a film that takes place in Beijing China, it starts off with a young girl named Yanni who has been sent off to live with her grandma at around the age 7. Growing up Yanni who is played by Xun Zhou, never had a relationship with her parents, they would try and visit her but Yanni would never say one word to them. She grew up as a loner and didn't really have a future a head of her, her grandmother ,aunt and mother all wanted her to go off and get married and work. But her father was the only one who insisted that she go to a University and get an education. It was very strange for Yanni to hear her father say it was a good idea for her to go off to a University when she hasn't ever even spoke to him or had any type of relationship with him. She always thought they didn't care about her.

The day Yanni leaves for the University no one even says goodbye to her or to even see her off. But her life is changed by just one little car accident. As shes driving in the taxi to the University the taxi crashed into a delivery truck and that's when she meets Muym who is 7 years older then Yanni and was the driver of the truck. Muym is a con man but we don't find that out until near the end of the movie. He sweet talks her makes her fall in love with him, they start to spend every day together after she gets out of school. She then moves in with him in a crappy little dump basement room then finds out she pregnant and drops out of the University. She cuts her family out of her life, they think that shes has been dead for over a year. Her and Muyn have not money they start to sell food on the streets at night to try and make alittle income.
This is when Yanni Aunt runs into her and can't believe she is alive but pregnet too. Her Aunt then tells her mom and her mom comes to see her and Yanni wants nothing to do with her but her mom Explains everything Yanni wanted to know about her past and why her mother couldn't take care of her. Yanni then realizes that she really just messed up her life. as her mom Leaves she makes a deal with Muym to have the child put up for adoption after its born, Yanni cna't believe muym would do something like this.

After the baby is born its giving away and Yanni and Muym go on with there life's like everyday. Yanni gets a visit from a women who claims to be Muyms wife, that's sets Yanni off and she starts to look for clues in there house this is when she finds adoption receipts and it all comes to her that Muym is a con man and used her to sell the child. Yanni confronts him and he laughs and her tells her how dummn she is and how he has done this many times before and just used her because she was a hopeless and naive student. HE just leaves her, she wanted to kill him but she knew he wasn't worth it. and it end with Yanni later on in life and sees that Muym has done it again to another victim.

This movie was crazy and sad to see this girl who got into a University and was on her way to a better life and bright future but was so naive and wanted to be wanted by someone because she never had that love from her family. So she got it from Muym who really Stole her life and her child away from her. Everything that happened to her mother has happened to her, falling in love with an older man getting pregnant and dropping out of school. I think the title of this film could not fit any better. I think Xun Zhou is a wonderful actress and if you love Stolen life you will def love her in Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress. Here is a clip

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