Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Wedding Banquet

The movie The Wedding Banquet is a Taiwanese film directed by Ang Lee who also directed movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Brokeback Mountain. This Film takes place in Manhattan NY, where a businessman Wei Tong and the love of his life Simon live together. Everything is fine and great in there life’s, however there is one problem Wei Tongs mom and dad has no idea that he is gay. His parents have been trying to fix him up with different women for years because all they want is for their son to have grandchildren, so Wei Tong goes along with all the dates they fix him up with just to make his mother happy. But he realizes that this is getting annoying to have to keep sending his mother letters about fake women he claims to be with.

Soon his boyfriend Simon thinks of a great idea to have Wei Wei (played by May chin) who is renting out Simons apartment across town, to act like they are together and have been in love for awhile. Since Wei Wei needs a green card and help with making rent she agrees and Wei Tong thinks it’s a great idea. He can help Wei Wei out and at the same time have his parents believe he finally is going to settle down. This is here everything goes wrong, after Wei Tong writes his parents about how much in love he is with Wei Wei and how they plan on getting married his parents decided to make a surprise visit and stay with them for 2 weeks so they will be there for their "marriage". Wei Tong, Simon and Wei Wei all freak out and isn't sure how they are going to do this but they keep telling them self’s its only 2 weeks and then they will be gone.

His parents arrive and everything is going great Wei Tong and Wei Wei act like they are in love...Sleeping in the same bed, she acts like she cooks when really Simon is helping her, and Simon plays the role of the landlord and Roommate to Wei Tong and Wei Wei. So Wei Tong and Wei Wei end up going to city hall to get married and both his parents are upset by this because that wanted him to have a very big wedding with a huge banquet. After city hall they have dinner at restaurant and his parents run into an old friend of theirs who also doesn't think its right they didn't have a real wedding and offers to throw them ad big wedding banquet. This is when things again start to not go as planned, there is this big party for them and Wei Tong and Wei Wei ends up getting drunk and they have sex. Simon doesn't know that he slept with Wei Wei until later. Simon and Wei Tongs relationship starts to go through hard times since they can't really be there for each other in a romantic way. Simon starts to go out more and hang with other people which doesn't make Wei Tong happy.

This is when Wei Tong finds out Wei Wei is pregnant and when Simon finds out he freaks out and starts screaming about how could this happen etc... Thinking that Wei tongs parents don't understand any English. Wei Tong tells his mother finally that he is gay and that he and Simon are in love and that everything was not real. His mother is upset but doesn't want to tell his father due to the fact he is always sick and she thinks it would kill him. However the father does speak alittle bit of english and lets Simon know that he has found out bout there relationship and isn't upset like the mother is. End the end Wei Wei decides to keep the child and have Simon and Wei Tong to be the fathers of the child.

This is a great film that kept me laughing fun start to finish. I did recognize the father from the first movie I watched Eat Drink Man Women. Again the father did a wonderful job in this film. I think its pretty fun how Wei Tong wanted to do was make his parents happy and he thought he didn't but really in the end he has. Because not only did he get to come out and get off his chest his relationship with Simon he still is going to be a father as well. I loved everything about the movie I really think if you haven’t seen it go out and rent it, it’s definitely worth it.

Here is one of my favorite scenes from the film where Simon Finds out about Wei Wei being pregnant and starts yelling in English...and no one know that the father can understand what Simon is say

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